Year: 2009

You’ve probably read about the new, possible cure for peanut allergies. One very hopeful study at Duke ( sekhtdbien…

This sounds like a good book — “Until It Hurts: America’s Obsession with Youth Sports,”   by Mark Hyman(…

Regarding: Schools outlawing normal human behavior, this one has got to be the best. Or worst. You know what I…

Each week I get an email blast called “Connect with Kids” that veers between helpful and crazy-making. Today it’s the…

Here’s a little excerpt from a very positive  review of the book, “Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned”  in today’s New York…

The death of Natasha Richardson is the definition of tragedy — sad, senseless, shocking. It’s just horrible and a lot…

My 10-year-old son wanted the chance to walk from our house to soccer practice behind an elementary school about 1/3 mile from our house. He had walked in our neighborhood a number of times with the family and we have driven the route to practice who knows how many times. It was broad daylight – 5:00 pm. I had to be at the field myself 15 minutes after practice started, so I gave him my cell phone and told him I would be there to check that he made it and sent him off. He got 3 blocks and a police car intercepted him.