Folks — As much as I literally feel my heart pounding every time I hear a story about crazy fear-mongering,…
Year: 2013
Hi Folks! My last two posts were about the 10-year-old boy not allowed to bring his pen knife on a…
Readers — This is the surreal story of a 10-year-old who brought a Swiss Army Knife with him on a…
Hi Readers! Yes, this is one of my “pet” topics — the way “I care!” can morph into “No one…
Here’s a nice little story to remember: Our kids have brains. Even at a young age they think and try…
Hi Readers — Here’s an example of our “Do something — anything!” school safety culture at work. Personally, I’d never…
Hi Folks — I’ve got a piece up over at Common Good about a jury awarding a family quite a…
Readers — The Boston Marathon bombing has brought us an outbreak of sanity in the mainstream media. For instance, there’s…
Hi Readers! This note comes to us from Nandini Ramakrishna, who was raised Free-Range in India and now lives in…
Readers: This comes to us from a Pennsylvania boy’s dad, who tells us it’s not a joke — it’s the…