This is how it’s SUPPOSED to work: Dear Free-Range Kids: I feel very fortunate that we live in Northern Alberta,…
Year: 2015
Recently we were talking about the trend on campus to require “trigger warnings” — warnings on material assigned for class…
A note I got: Dear Free-Range Kids: I need help and an answer to what I should do. I’m 14…
If to a hammer, everything looks like a nail, to a pediatric surgeon, everything looks like a fall hazard. That’s…
An honest letter about a real problem: Kids given lots of freedom but, it seems, no behavior boundaries. Or boundary…
What a huge victory for common sense, decent parents and a country otherwise gripped by “worst-first thinking” — thinking up…
There are two ways to approach a risk: Try to spend your whole life avoiding it, or learn how to…
“They threw their child against the wall!” That’s what the anonymous caller told Kentucky’s Child Protective Services about Corey Chaney,…
. This is the article everyone’s talking about: The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt,…
. In response to the other day’s post about a mom who let her child wait in the car while…