You grew up running around outside but now the parks are empty. Read the stats and join the conversation here at LET GROW, where I’m blogging these days! (And sorry for the extra click.)
My name is Alexander, I’m a 15 y/old german boy and I want to thank you for your great work.
I watched a german documentation about american helicopter parents and I was shocked when I heard, that you were titled “the worst mother” for letting your child use the subway with 9 years. Here in germany, it’s common to let your 8 year olds go by bus or use the subway It’s pretty much unnatural to stick to your kids like that.
Again, thank you for your great work. Keep it up!
Joel Turner on
It will be easier for those in power to take over when they have a fat, brain washed group.
James on
My school was almost exactly one mile away and by forth grade I was riding my bicycle to school. To this day when ever I need to think about how far a mile is I think about the distance to school.
My name is Alexander, I’m a 15 y/old german boy and I want to thank you for your great work.
I watched a german documentation about american helicopter parents and I was shocked when I heard, that you were titled “the worst mother” for letting your child use the subway with 9 years. Here in germany, it’s common to let your 8 year olds go by bus or use the subway It’s pretty much unnatural to stick to your kids like that.
Again, thank you for your great work. Keep it up!
It will be easier for those in power to take over when they have a fat, brain washed group.
My school was almost exactly one mile away and by forth grade I was riding my bicycle to school. To this day when ever I need to think about how far a mile is I think about the distance to school.