Hi Down There! In about an hour I’m giving a talk to the YPAA — Young People & the Arts, Australia — and I’m psyched! (And Skyped!) Meantime, an Australian TV show, Today Tonight, is looking for Free-Range Families to appear in a story about the movement. If you’re down there and interested in being on the show, please drop an email to the producer, Erina, at EFlessas@seven.com.au , SOON! Thanks! — L.
Just a warning. Today Tonight is often (or has been, I don’t watch comercial media-lite so much these days)a bugs in a jar controversy-monger. Careful they’re not setting you up as a bad guy. Solid facts and coming correct and you should be right.
Apologies if I’m mistaken.
Mmm. What Leon said. Today Tonight is known for it’s tabloid-esque guttersniping.
That sounds exciting. I’d also be wary of Today Tonight – just go in with your eyes open iykwim.
I just found your blog tonight and I LOVE it! It is a huge breath of fresh air to realize that I am not the only mother who thinks it’s okay to let her kids walk to school…(gulp)…alone!
Common sense parenting! YES!!!!
yes I am a beginner australian free ranger.. but I wouldnt want to be on today tonight 🙂 I dont think it is as bad as above comments have said, they often do pieces on how things have gotten out of hand, and fight for the underdog.. but still they do like a bit of over the topedness….
Lenore, this is what Today Tonight is like
Today Tonight – what everyone else said.
What everyone else said. I’d love to promote the FRK idea in Australia, but I wouldn’t risk being interviewed by Today Tonight.
Yep, TodayTonight, like the worst bits of FoxNews and Jerry Springer, just be very, very careful. I would demand to see what they are going to air before you let them.
You should try and get on to a radio show Life Matters or the 7pm Project or something, there are great shows out there.
Nah, the exposure will be priceless. Even if TT bag you, lots of people will see it!
Hi Lenore! Was at the keynote and you were fantastic! And yes, as everyone else has mentioned, Today Tonight isn’t particularly known for its scruples… Take a look at this:
Obviously this is a satirical sketch, but it’s parodying Today Tonight.
(1’15” onwards is of particular note for you….)
I’d risk Today Tonight. It’s important to raise awareness and there are always risks dealing with the media.
I’m an Aussie psychologist whose special interest is in parents abused by their kids. I’ve seen a great many of the worst possible outcomes of over-parenting and am quite scared about the over-protected, over-entitled children that some well-meaning parents are producing!
Look, TT has it’s moments, depending which side it is choosing to represent. Aside from that, I’m not a camera friendly person and would likely clam up, break into a sweat, start stuttering and generally not give too great an impression to the free range movement! I hope someone out there does their thing though. While Australia isn’t ‘too’ bad generally, it’s definitely on a slide towards the ridiculous so any help to counter that would be great.
Very positive coverage by Susie O’Brien in today’s Herald-Sun:
with one serious proofing error. The article states that there are 300,000 under 18s in Melbourne where the actual figure is around 1,300,000. This makes the reported crime against kids stats look a lot worse than they really are.
I only finished reading your book last week and will be passing it on to a friend with a young family.