Search results for "culture of fear"

Happy Mother’s Day (and a totally unrelated post)

First off: HAPPY etfbnybfha MOTHER’S DAY! Is this way way WAY too tacky? I hope not.  I am fresh out of great Free Range fodder for a sec, so here is an interview with me that is up now on  the cool website Motherhood Later than Sooner. (Yup. I’m an older mom.) I promise not to keep self-promoting, […]

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What Happens When Kids Can’t Play

Hello, Readers! We have another guest post today, this one from developmental psychologist Dr. Helene Guldberg, a founder of the wonderful, British, on-line current affairs blog, Spiked ( fidhntthnf She’s also author of Reclaiming Childhood: Freedom and Play in an Age of Fear. The thing I found most shocking in this post is that you […]

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Thanksgiving with Dr. Phil

You snerhandbs know you need Dr. Phil if you’re watching him on Thanksgiving. But if indeed you do tune in, you’ll see a rerun of “Extreme Moms.” One of them is me. Extreme? I’m on the show as the mom who let her 9-year-old take the subway alone, a fact that will be chiseled on […]

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Lenore Skenazy on TV (Creative Commons License, 1.0 Public Domain)

Have Lenore Speak

Welcome! To book Lenore or inquire about a booking, please click here. You will be directed to a form at her nonprofit, Let Grow. AUDIENCES LOVE LENORE: “Lenore had the crowd eating out of her hand!” – Amy Draves, visiting speaker manager, Microsoft, Redmond, WA “A GODDAMNED ROCK STAR! Seriously, Janis Joplin at Monterey level!” […]

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