Folks — A find about a find, sent to us by Kim H:
A couple went bike riding and lost a cell phone. It was found by some kids. They posted an instagram video telling the owner that they had found the phone and to call it. When he did they told him where they were – and the adults went over and picked up the phone. Here’s the story.
Kids playing together without an adult find something expensive, figure out how to contact the owner, and meet with strangers to return the phone – and all survive. — Kimberly

I love it! What a great story!
Great story. Good kids for figuring out how to get in contact with the owners.
Nice story, sure. But I’m not incredibly surprised.
First, the kid looks about 6 or 7. I’m not sure he has the necessary connections to sell a found phone in order to “make good coin.” Of course, kids are smarter these days…
Second, kids are pretty tech savvy and phone UIs are pretty simple. If they’ve heard of Instagram–and they probably have, they pay more attention to it than us old folks–I’m not surprised he could post a quick video.
Still, it’s always good to encourage people to do the right thing. My roomate recently left her iPad in the back of a rental car she returned–Black iPad in a black case in the back of a black car with black interior at night in an underground parking garage. She called the rental car company the next day and they had found it and put it aside for her. She went a bought a couple of Starbucks gift cards and gave them to the person who found the iPad and manager who held onto it for her.
Hooray! Good news! This is a great story.
Re: “Had not heard of this weird trend: Teens & others writing “fan fiction” about real celebs.”
So… Are you famous enough yet? 😀