Hi Readers! Here’s another great story: 9 year old boy saves 2 year old brother who was face down in the family pool. The older brother used the CPR he’d just learned at school.
First off, let’s hear it for teaching kids basic safety skills!
Secondly, let’s remember that everyday dangers, like pools, are the things we really have to be aware of. More than, say, the boogeyman.
Finally: Hats off to the pint-sized hero! — L.
Kudos to the 9 yo!! I think it might be time for my kids to learn CPR. Fast thinking!!
Great kid. I’m a firm believer in giving kids swimming lessons and mine have them every summer. It’s not a guarantee of safety but it’s a help, especially since my inlaws have a backyard swimming pool but are poor swimmers themselves. That has always been my greatest worry for my kids.
Great Story!
Anyone commenting who hasn’t read the story – Go read it — The mom knew CPR, but was too “hysterical” to be effective. Her 9-year-old asked her to get out of the way and let him do it.
So, here’s a good example of a child doing what a parent should have been able to handle. He saved his brother’s life – AND – if he hadn’t been there, his brother “might” have died even though the mother was present.
Wow! Good on him for keeping a cool head!
Great stories about the nine year old boy saving his brother and the three year old walking into the fire station to get help. Kids are far more capable than we give them credit for. If we provide them with the information and the skills they are quite amazing. Sad the family is removing the pool. I bet the nine year old will miss it.
Kudos to the kid. You’re definitely a hero!
I think it’s sad the family removed the pool. It’s an understandable overreaction to what happened. Instead of getting rid of the pool, they could also make sure the door is locked if the 3-year-old is alone for a second or that the pool is securely covered when not in use.
Great stories. On the subject of taking down the pool, the phrase the use makes me suspect it was one of those smaller pools that they would probably be taking down soon, anyway, now that summer is almost over and school is starting. Hopefully they will be mentally recovered enough to put it back up next year. (A three year old is a lot safer than a 2yo in a pool anyway, old enough to learn safety, at least).
Reminds me of the girl who saved people from the tsunami in 2004
Unrelated to the topic, but I thought of this site when I read this: http://notalwaysright.com/sigh-they-grow-up-so-slow/2425
Yay for that kid!!! All my kids, and my grandkid have or have had or will continue to have swimming lessons. Where we live, winter is when you can find lessons. Summer, not so much. Which is weird. But once school starts, swimming lessons start again! Yay!
Basic swimming is sooooo important! Just really one of those life skills every kid should have.
Apparently they have swimming lessons for babies these days. I don’t know if the kids wound remember it, but it has to do something for muscle memory. Last summer at the camp where I worked I had this poor 18 year old boy who wanted to go on a river kyak trip but BSA policy requires them to be swimmers. He had never been in a pool in his life. Swimming is a needed skill, but then again, if they never learn to swim they won’t dare get in water where sharks and diseases and sea dragons and scuba pedophiles lurk and if their boat sinks, well, what were they doing in a dangerous boat?
And what was a 9 year old doing learning CPR in school at that age?! What if he accidentally breathed out all his own air? What if he broke a hand doing chest compressions? What if he got germs from his little brother? (and yes, I know about those risks and rescue breathing masks).