I was giving my Free-Range Kids talk at a suburban New York school the other night and one of the…
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Congratulations, Rhode Island! Looks like you are about to become the proud parents of every child in the state, pushing…
Susan Solomon is an architectural historian who studies the science of play, the architecture of playgrounds (among other things), and…
Imagine a world where a brief encounter between young people and strangers does not automatically warrant police involvement — or…
. How does change happen? How do we give kids — and ourselves — the freedom we all deserve? Freedom…
This week’s New Yorker contains possibly the most devastating article I’ve ever read: Sarah Stillman’s, “The List,” subtitled, “When juveniles…
Plush Toy is Secret Signal to Sex Traffickers, Says WFLA TV By buying a plush toy with a heart on…
Almost every time I’m interviewed about “Why I Let My 9 Year Old Ride the Subway Alone” (and he’s 17…
Rhode Island, you may recall, has proposed some of the most anti-Free-Range laws in America: *The law proposed by four…
Sometimes you have to look at our culture like an anthropologist: What artifacts are precious to the people of today,…