Readers — Tomorrow one of my favorite magazines of all time, Highlights, will unveil the results of its 2013 “State…
Browsing: Walk to School / Stay Home Alone / Wait in Car
Readers? Have you heard of “Trunk or Treat”? It’s the growing trend of celebrating Halloween in a parking lot. (Woo…
Readers — I can understand this father’s misery: He told the school he’d be picking up his 5 and 8…
Readers — I recently received this article on backpack overload and how it can hurt a kid’s back and posture.…
Readers — Here’s the story of a girl who had a great summer, thanks to confident parents, an abundance of…
Readers — In the blizzard of back to school hoo-ha that comes to me daily as a “Mommy Blogger,” I…
Hi Folks — Here’s a little (edited) interview I did with the Globe & Mail about when kids can start…
Folks — Here’s a news story of one mom’s fear with the usual missing link: analysis and commentary from someone…
Readers — Walking to school is a lovely, age-old, generally safe activity that has been almost abandoned over the last…
Folks — Just got this press release in my emails. Somehow, I don’t think this book — Just What kind…