Hi Folks — Read it and weep, but not too hard or you may get suspended from school! Two days after a 16-year-old Texan’s dad died, he decided to return to school to feel a little normal again.
Except when he arrived late and went to the office for a tardy pass, the admins noticed his suspiciously red eyes and suspended him for suspected marijuana use. Didn’t matter that he did not appear high, or that no one said they’d seen him smoking, or that there wasn’t any marijuana on him.
His mom took him to a doctor who did a urine test that was clean not just of pot, but of all drugs. So the school rescinded the original decree — a suspension followed by placement in an alternative school till January. And then, eventually, it even apologized.
Anyway, the gory details are in the link. Guess that school never took the Free-Range Kids pledge: We vow NOT to think the worst first. — L.
How utterly and horribly offensive. Aren’t school counselors supposed to stay on top of these things?
Those people should get suspended for incompetence!
If I were that Mom, I’d be asking what “Further, the NISD has agreed to remove any and all references to this issue from Kyler’s file to be destroyed in accordance with the District’s records retention schedule” means. Because it sure sounds to me like those references are going to be in there until the retention schedule says it’s time to destroy the file…
This is really a horrible story. Even if he was vindicated in the end, it is child abuse that this happened in the first place, but even to an adult this would go beyond abuse, it is torture and is a human rights violation that transcends any nation’s laws.
When I was in college my grandfather died and his funeral was a couple days after he died, 800 miles away, on the same day of my mid term exams. All of my teachers except one made accommodations. The one who didn’t said there would be no make up no excuses, if I didn’t want to possibly fail since the mid term was 25% of the total semester grade I would have to skip the funeral. I went to the funeral and got 0%. I also aced the class otherwise. She was a good teacher but a bad person and I never forgot about that incident. I pondered that it was impossible that should one of her family members die and the college fire her for missing a days work to attend the funeral. That would never happen since in the real world no one is that unreasonable and heartless, but for some reason some of these bureaucratic systems have no accountability, plus a prison like system where there are the guards and the prisoners and the guards can do whatever they want.
What happened to me isn’t even 1/100 of what this kid went through. No one should have to live in a society that tolerates this sort of cold, psychotic abusiveness in what passes for schools.
I’ll also throw out that pot tests are notoriously unreliable so there is a very good chance this poor kid’s urine test could have come back positive and then he’d really be screwed.
If you are ever on a jury on one of these cases, use your jury nullification powers to toss out the case.
This story is so awful. My heart breaks for the poor boy that had to deal with that. Entirely unacceptable on the school’s part. But what really gets my blood boiling is that the principal felt it was acceptable to send the letter over EMAIL! Didn’t have the decency to speak to her in person, or at the very least, over the phone. Unreal.
Welcome back Lenore. I’ve become spoiled by your frequent posts, and the 3 days between the last two made me wonder if something bad had happened to you. Glad to see you are very much still with us & fighting the good fight.
Speaking of being “burned”–reading this story sure makes me feel that way. Burned up with anger. What galls me the most is the lack of any sort of apology, an apology which would’ve been deserved even had no death occurred, and which was ESPECIALLY called for in light of the young lad’s tragic experience of losing his father.
What also galls me is that I guarantee you a lot of people out there don’t have a problem with what happened, after all, “if you’ve got nothing to hide you shouldn’t mind and should understand the need for this sort of thing.” Somehow, it’s become unacceptable to be outraged at being falsely accused and to be outraged at it is somehow equated to being totally against any sort of crime-stopping procedures at all.
I’m just waiting for the day someone does something like that to my kids when they go to school. I’ve always stated that I’d back the teachers over my kids in terms of them knowing I support disciplines, but if THIS is the type of disciplining going on these days, that changes everything.
If something like THIS ever happens to one of my kids, the school officials are going to discover me to be their worst nightmare come true.
My apologies (I sure wish I could edit my posts, but anyway).
The “burned” remark came from where I originally referenced the incident where you suffered a burn to your fingers & were placed on medication which made you sick. I was saying that I was wondering if something bad had happened to you that was similar to that particular incident. I removed that part for purposes of brevity but forgot to remove the other reference.
My apologies for my sloppiness.
PS–I live not far from Shreveport LA & John Rosemond, the other parenting commentator whom I strongly support, will be there & I look forward to seeing him very much.
Here’s a link: People taking things too seriously and not taking the time to research first…
…the new fear….PEDOBEAR!
If you don’t know, Pedobear is a parody/joke/photoshop fodder character. http://pedobearpics.com/pedobear/Pedobearbusted.jpg
Discipline in Schools
How to Discipline Any Classroom No Matter How Tough the Students
Discipline in Schools
Ads by Google
I wonder if this was really an appropriate ad.
Oh, Google Ads just kinda guesses. (Guesses doesn’t even look like a WORD when you type it out. Guesses. Guesses. Looks made up.)
As far as the article goes, THIS is a moment that calls for a serious lawsuit. Even with an apology, they need to, you know, not act on circumstantial evidence.
Personally, and maybe I’m a bit too extreme, but I think this is something worth firing people over. Anyone involved in suspending him or creating the culture that allowed a grieving kid to be suspended should be out the door on Monday. Period.
What if he had done pot? Would that have been so horrible or out of line for a grieving child (or any teenager).
this would be an appropriate time to call a news conference, issue press releases, and shine a huge spotlight on the district and school in question. the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (thefire.org) would do this for free, quite quickly, and to great effect. their unofficial motto: sunlight is the best disinfectant. might be even more satifying (and precedent-setting) than a lawsuit.
@ugly sure. I know they only guess about appropriateness like the officials in this story. Kid + bloodshot eyes equals marihuana. What else could it be. Looking into the situation would be too much trouble. Close enough is good enough.
Uly, of course. Sorry, didn’t pay attention to auto-correction.
@anne- I think it would be horrible to automatically kick out the kid in any event for being suspected of being high or being high unless the kid committed a crime at school or had drugs on them. If a kid is using they need counseling and to remain around a positive, mainstream peer group if at all possible, not to be escorted to a program that functions as dumping ground for trouble teens. Nothing should happen, however, until there is solid proof the student is, in fact, high.
The circumstances of this case just move it beyond the horrible category.
“We vow not to think the worst first”? I think that might have helped in this situation. “My dad died” is a heck of a lot worse in my books than “I’ve been indulging in recreational drug use.”
But wow, this is incredible. That school needs to give a lot more than just an apology.
Nicole, I don’t think that’s too extreme; I totally agree.
Holy crow!!!! I cannot believe this. My husband is a high school principal and you CAN NOT suspend anyone that way. I am outraged, not only for the poor boy but his mom as well… who I’m sure was thrilled to take her son to the doctor for a drug test while planning a funeral. I’m sick over this.
My mom had bloodshot eyes from drugs — chemotherapy, to be exact. Thank God she finished school decades ago.
@Nicole, I agree. Perhaps I’d say that MAYBE there should be a suspension if it’s the first-time such a thing occurred, but otherwise–yes, termination.
The main thing is this: a big hub-bub should be made about this in the local news, the papers etc. Major shame should be dealt out, all the while acknowledging the tough issue of drugs in school but how sometimes one can go too far in the name of vigilance.
I live 2 hours from Dallas TX, & may well contact the school via email or snail-mail letter to let them know of my disdain for their actions. “They should be ashamed” is putting it mildly.
I would also be sending the bill for the drug test to the school. I’m doubtful it was covered by insurance.
Holy holy… I hate this. That poor family.
“[T]he district sincerely apologizes for this situation and is hopeful that we can move forward together in the best interests of Kyler” leaves a lot to be desired as an apology. Apologizing for the situation is like the all-to-common “I’m sorry you were offended by my comment” instead of “I’m sorry I offended you.” Worlds of difference.
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Peter, LOL, that’s a terrible typo. *giggles*
Linda, I’m sure I’ve seen worse apologies, but yeah, that manages to avoid taking responsibility.
why is anyone surprised by this? we live in an area with ‘great’ schools- drug sniffing dogs are regularly brought in, lockers are searched, kids are subjected to drug testing… no ‘probable cause’. I feel compelled to add that the schools have said for years that there’s not a drug issue, this is all ‘just in case’.
if parents put up with this, why wouldn’t they put up with having a kid sent home for having bloodshot eyes? we should’ve stood up a LONG time ago.
My niece was suspected of drug use because she was wearing sunglasses during class and didn’t hear her teacher immediately. She was pulled out of class during an important test later that day and thought that maybe someone in her family was hurt or had died. My sister had to pay for a lab test that cost her $150, money she didn’t have. The test was negative. No apology, no nothing. Also, not one person in the office conferred with the teacher’s suspicion that my niece smelled like drugs. But if ONE person on staff suspects it, that is enough for an accusation to have merit.
I understand that schools deal with drugs and that drugs are a serious problem for teens. But each time an innocent kid is told “We don’t believe you,” we are creating a child who thinks people don’t trust him/her and the world is against them.
Wow thats scary. There was a period when I was going to school with red eyes cause of . . . chatting on IRC untill dawn. Then falling asleep in class. I would probably be in big trouble would my school be like that, although i guess sleep deprevation is by far more harmfull than pot
My school was still normal at that time, powered by trust in students. My teacher simply called me aside, asked me whats the matter and told me to get to sleep in time. No letters, principal, parents, cops, threats or detentions. To make clear, we are talking about non-US public school in 2005
The school with dogs sniffing students – School wants to fight drug abuse because it is harmful to the students. A student being high for a day is sure of bigger impact than a student being ripped from school for a year and having a security record for life. Doping bored students with pills to reduce the noise in class is okay tho
The large high school a friend worked at for several years has the dogs, patrolling the parking lot and hallways every day. They find almost no marijuana.
However… that school has one of the more pronounced heroin (yes, heroin. that they shoot up.) in the county. I guess either heroin doesn’t have a strong scent, or the dogs aren’t specifically trained for it, because really, who would think of THAT at a high school, or the kids don’t need to take it to school because the effects last long enough?
I also had a student (I taught college for the last few years) told a story of being told, at 15, after her mother died suddenly, that if she missed more than 4 days of classes her grade would be reduced by a full letter. There would be no extra excused absences allowed. For her MOTHER’S DEATH. At 15!!!
These actions are such an appalling abuse of ‘power’. It just sickens me.
this is another reason why we homeschool…
Scott is right on target. I still wonder if my Army buddy has been able to live down the lab test that showed he was “sort of pregnant”.
Bloodshot eyes? Since eye surgery, mine look that way most of the time, and what drugs I use come from chain pharmacy.
That is absolutely horrible. There are any number of reasons for red eyes, and grief is certainly one of them. I hope the school learns something from their egregious error.
That wasn’t an apology, it was a form letter.
They suspended a kid for drug use when the only evidence was red eyes? I know Texas always wanted to be a separate country, but I didn’t think they had suspended application of the US Constitution just yet! I’ll add that to my list of reasons never to move there.
Gosh, another “case” for Home Schooling.
Good ol’ Texas…at least they didn’t lynch the kid.
nice snark, King- you don’t feel the random drug testing, dogs searching, locker searching, kids being suspended for ibuprofen, etc, newspapers censored, corruption with testing, and general poor performance in schools don’t add up to reasons to try something else?
do you just offer snark or solutions?
This is horrifying! I wish I knew the name of the school so I could contact them directly. I am absolutely appalled!
Leah, the article mentions that it is Byron Nelson High School in Trophy Club, Texas.
Oh and it seems that Keith Olbermann on MSNBC gave Principal Linda Parker the title of “Worst Person in the World” because of her handling of this incident. See the video here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/39107508#39107508
Scott, thank you for linking to that video. Am I a bad person for feeling really happy about it? Seriously, watch the video. It’ll make you feel a tiny bit better.
I worked in the health office of a large high school for nine years.
I was frequently asked to sniff’ kids to confirm the smell of smoke. “Do you smell anything?”
It was always a boy being lead in by the scruff of his neck.
I always replied “He smells like a boy”.
30 years ago nearly the same thing happened to me. I was asked by a high school teacher if I was using drugs and sent to the office because he thought my pupils were too large. I was mortified and very embarrassed. My parents ended up taking me to an eye doctor in case I had some dreaded eye disease. Turned out that my ‘large’ pupils were within normal size range.
Here’s what I find sad. In the “adult/real” world, we are considered innocent until proven guilty. Even if a driver who’s swerving a little and gets pulled over for a possible DUI has the opportunity to take a Breathalyzer right then and there to prove they are not intoxicated. They’d probably still get a ticket for poor driving but it’s not an automatic judgment. In public schools, you’re guilty until proven innocent and because this mentality of unquestionable authority is beaten into the brains of the poor students and, more unfortunately, into the brains of the teachers and principals, the staff becomes judge, jury and executioner before the student even has a chance to make their case, It’s disgusting and unconstitutional.
I cannot believed that I would hear of and see the day where a high schooler would be suspended from school who is trying to return to normalcy after a death of a parent. I do not understand how normal grief and mourning can be confused with pot use! Lenore, I’d like to replace the word “outrage” to “Abomination” in your title ;).
It does not matter whether it’s a public school or not. The real issue is about power. In the case of schools, the students are a captive population and the warden — I mean principal — has easy targets to torment should the mood arise. The same can be said for the teachers and staff he encourages. They all feel powerful when they can mess up someone’s life… horribly.
Most responsible people, even in a position of great authority and responsibility, would know not to use drastic actions (even if the rules called for it) if a student is in or has some trouble. They would try to resolve it quietly first. In the case of blood-shot eyes, they would have found out the reason and acted accordingly and compassionately.
What this school did to this kid, starting with the teacher, was not only to assume the worst, but simply to choose to abuse this child. There was no call for this. Simply saying “just following orders” or its many, many variants is no excuse for victimizing someone with overly severe penalty.
This is a horrible story. About the school record- what are they putting on there? If they told the truth: “boy wrongly accused and suspended,” then there would A) be nothing negative on him there and B) they would be jumping at the chance to remove it. So it makes me wonder what they said.
This just confirms what we already know. Schools have too much power.
They have the power to wreck our family life with incomprehensibly large homework assignments (our school thinks that 2 hours/night in second grade is ok), they have the power to toss a kid out on mere suspicion of wrong-doing, and there is no “higher body” that is informed to keep them making reasonable judgements (as in this appalling miscarriage of justice).
We need to step up and take the power back so our kids can mourn reasonably, walk to school, play after school, and be kids. Simultaneously, we need the schools to let our kids learn to take responsibility (parents shouldn’t be signing homework, tests, etc.).
If we continue to infantilize kids and try to control their emotions and responses; it is no wonder that college kids can’t handle the freedom.
“Am I a bad person for feeling really happy about [the video]?”
Not at all. This is the proper function of the media as the fourth estate of government, as a last resort fall back position to shame out of control government officials who have gone wild. Doesn’t always work and is rarely deployed against the true enemies of the people, but it’s really effective on a local level.
I think that worst part of this (“this” being the policies and attitudes that created the situation, rather than the worst part from the perspective of this poor kid and his family) is how little it would have accomplished even if they actually managed to catch someone who was doing real drugs. If a minor is doing drugs or has a drug abuse problem, they will not be helped by punishing them and putting something on their record. If anything, the stress of simply being punished, combined with the black mark on their academic career, could make the drug abuse problem significantly worse.
Rather, the hypothetical kid would need help, to be referred by the school to a counselor who specializes in minors with drug problems, for example.
So what is this policy/attitude supposed to accomplish? It looks to me like this is just punishment for the sake of punishment, as though the principal and the teacher were just getting their jollies victimizing children.
I would hope to see students fight some of this nonsense themselves… if schools are bringing in dogs, maybe an enterprising student would get squirt guns filled with bong water and spray the administrators cars.
these intrusions need to start backfiring on these petty bureaucrats.
@Marty – I love it!
Cynthia: It would probably be a good idea for the kid and his mom to hire a PI to find out what’s really on his record (PI could pose as a representative of some fictional organization that’s considering the kid for some heavy-duty scholarship).
@ Grimalkin — Punishment as the modus operandi is what I find to be the common thread in so many of the stories shared here. I considered your story to be a case in point. (It’s you who brought the swiss army knife to school, right?)
Someone had seen you use your knife on your way home from (but outside of) school. At that point, no occurrence involving the knife had taken place at the school. So upon being informed of your pocket knife, the school administration could have just called you at home and told you that pocket knives were against school policy, and request you not bring it to school with you. Instead — in the assumption that you would, unwittingly, bring your pocket knife along to school with you the next day– they chose to call the police and have them lie in wait for you at the school the following morning. (BTW, wasn’t this at sometime, in at least some states, considered entrapment in the US? Or was that a galaxy far, far away?) Instead of taking care of the matter with a simple phone call, they choose to escalate the whole situation. (With willful disregard for a young man’s life thrown in for good measure.)
The same is true in the case above. If they had directly asked this boy a few, simple questions right away, they would have had all the information they needed to put their minds at rest that, for that day at least, Reefer Madness would not play itself out on their hallowed schools grounds.
I ask you, in both cases, what did they think, nay, KNOW would be the more practical — and as an added bonus! — humane, way to handle the situation? At the very least we can conclude what the motivation is not: To handle these situations in as effective a manner as possible.
I don’t even have words….
@Tuppence – You are absolutely correct (and yes, that was me, but female! Which, I suspect, is one of the reasons it didn’t go further).
You are absolutely correct. It boggles the mind how these people can justify their actions to themselves.
Shame, shame, shame on this school. I know we live in a far too litigious society, but if I were the mother I would be tempted to sue. At the very least to make a point about schools being too over-the-top about drug use and prevention.
This poor kid. His dad died and he was understandably broken up about it, and the school adds to the trauma with a false drug charge!!!
RobynHeud: Excellent points. And we wonder why teens often fester with so much resentment…..
I *really* wish the mom would demand not only an apology, but a reimbursement for the cost of the drug test and *AN IQ TEST* for the school administrator. I mean, how great would that be at getting the message across if the media was reporting that she is demanding an IQ test from the administrator? It doesn’t matter that they would never do it.
This is extremely upsetting and disturbing. It’s hard to believe that this could even happen. Monstrously, shockingly foul behavior by the administration. What I really want in terms of consequences is for the principal to experience EXACTLY what the student’s father experienced… but I’d settle for a career ending lawsuit — at an utter minimum — and whatever criminal charges apply.
I have trouble wrapping my head around how the principal could justify this… I can only assume that she’s a bitter, cruel, cold person that likely has a preexisting dislike of this kid, because it’s so hard to understand how any reasonable compassionate person could behave like this. What incredibly callous disregard for the welfare of her students. The rule itself (suspension on suspicion alone, without evidence) is disturbing enough, even without the nightmare that is this specific case.
My own anecdote plays out very differently: When I was in my final year of high school — in a small farming town in Ontario, Canada — for my art class’s semester long project I explored the effects of psychedelic drugs on my painting and sculptural works, and in addition to the artwork itself, I wrote candidly on the matter in the attached thesis essay. There were no negative repercussions, and I was rewarded with a mature critique and discussion of my work. No punishment whatsoever. I’m sure it helped that I was one of the school’s top students, if not *the* top student, but oh how things have changed since then…
If you have an opinion about this it is often best to go straight to the source. Telling each other we don’t agree doesn’t do much to change a situation. Pick up the phone.
Contacts at Byron Nelson High School can be found here: http://www.nisdtx.org/47992026114422950/site/default.asp?
PT, I do agree with you that if the school can demand a drug test and also give IQ tests as a matter of course, the parents have every right to demand BOTH tests of school administrators and staff.
Really the more I think about it the more it would explain things if school staff was on drugs and brain damaged from over use as “something just ain’t right” with them.
Drug and IQ testing of faculty and staff would be really helpful for getting to the bottom of this mystery.
Actually strike that, I’d settle for the staff to take the MMPI to find out what personality disorders they all have and publish the results in the town newspaper.
Sharon Larratt, regarding your doing shrooms and acid for your senior thesis, you are one serious bad ass and a patriot, and I salute you.
@Grimalkin — Sorry about the gender confusion! Re your comment how they can justify themselves to themselves — I think it’d be fascinating if someone did a psychological study on these “types” and the “well meaning” (not!) informers as well. Be interesting to learn something about why they do what they do. Maybe it’ll turn out they were “helicoptered” as children. Ha ha.
“Instead in the assumption that you would, unwittingly, bring your pocket knife along to school with you the next day they chose to call the police and have them lie in wait for you at the school the following morning. (BTW, wasn’t this at sometime, in at least some states, considered entrapment in the US? Or was that a galaxy far, far away?)”
In my never ending battle to correct the many misinterpretations of the criminal justice system – This has never been in any way, shape or form in any state entrapment. Entrapment means that the police get you to commit a crime you would not have otherwise committed. Police are not required to make non-arrest efforts to stop you from committing crimes that you already intend to commit (even if you aren’t aware that your actions are a crime). If the principle, at the direction of the police, had called Grimalkin and asked to see his knife and then had him arrested for carrying it to school, THAT would be entrapment. Simply waiting for him to do what he wanted to do and then arresting him for it is not entrapment.
I am in no way saying that the Principle’s actions were morally correct (this was a gross over reaction to a minor issue) just that they were not legally questionable.
Hehehe Ok Thanks ı loveee thissssssss website
‘Drug and IQ testing of faculty and staff would be really helpful for getting to the bottom of this mystery.’
drug testing and IQ testing would accomplish? these people have taken tests all their lives- they thrive on this nonsense.
These are bureaucrats- that’s their ‘disorder’. the same jerks that work the dmv, inspect restaurants, etc. They live to exert some ‘power’… They always hide behind ‘I’m just enforcing the rules’ or some other nonsense. They never apologize, because they’re ‘following orders’.
‘Bureaucracies are inherently antidemocratic. Bureaucrats derive their power from their position in the structure, not from their relations with the people they are supposed to serve. The people are not masters of the bureaucracy, but its clients.’
Alan Keyes
‘Bureaucrats: they are dead at 30 and buried at 60. They are like custard pies; you can’t nail them to a wall.’
Frank Lloyd Wright
@Donna — Thanks for clearing that up. Must have been that other galaxy then!
What can I say about this that hasn’t already been said? It’s more than “ridiculous.”
I wonder if the same over-reactive, zero-tolerance polcies extend to teachers and other school district employees. Perhaps the school district in this case could use a test of their own….
What. The. @!$@#?!??
The kid lost his dad and subsequently got nailed on an unfounded suspicion of pot use? That’s beyond infuriating – and I’m speaking as someone who lost her mom at age 12 and dad at age 14 – losing your parent at the age this kid did is incredibly difficult and the school should be ashamed that they became another source of stress instead of a source of support for this boy.
My school was an amazing source of support when my parents died and it made a huge difference to me. When I went through depressive phases in which I’d show up at the nurse’s station complaining of “not feeling good” or had lower marks than usual, my teachers didn’t yank me out on suspicion of drug use, they actually talked to me to find out what the problem was and what they could do to help first. That’s the sort of environment that ANY kid at school should have the benefit of, not “OMG he’s got red eyes and he’s a teen so he must be on drugs, call the police!!”
How much more traumatizing must that experience have been for that poor kid who had the temerity to show physical signs of grieving? I hope that school administration gets smacked with a lawsuit – or at the very least becomes so embarrassed by the whole incident that they’ll think twice about overreacting to such things. Jebus Christ on a pogo stick.
I went to a small high school in a small town; only 44 people in my graduating class. When I was in 11th grade a classmate’s father died; his mother had already died some years earlier, so he became an orphan. He was the youngest and had a number of older (grown) siblings so he had a family still, but it was really rough on him. What happened at our school? The ENTIRE class (and quite a few teachers and students from other grades) took the afternoon off to attend the funeral. We walked to the church in a group from the school building. No one there would have suspected anything strange if he’d come to school with blood shot eyes. And one reason is that it was a small school, a real community. We all knew each other, adults and teens alike. We were *people* to each other, not nameless faces in a crowd. It’s one reason I advocate for smaller schools. There’s less opportunity for this heavy-handed regulation when you know people personally, as individuals.
“DMT, on September 15, 2010 at 12:02 am Said:
What can I say about this that hasn’t already been said? It’s more than “ridiculous.”
I wonder if the same over-reactive, zero-tolerance polcies extend to teachers and other school district employees. Perhaps the school district in this case could use a test of their own….”
Yes there was a case on then news/in blogosphere last year were a dog “hit” on a faculty car. A Rx pill was found on the floor. The teacher didn’t have a script, but a friend did. Friend could have dropped it. The teacher 20+ years spotless record was suspended with pay. I never saw the conclusion.
I had spent some time thinking about the best way for the kid to get revenge, and then it hit me: as soon as he turns 18, he should run for the school board. School boards tend to fill up with extremist types because, unless there’s a proposed tax increase, school board elections usually bring out only 5%-10% of registered voters. More people, especially free-rangers, running for school board is an antidote to this.
When I heard about this horrific incident from my daughter, who also attends Byron Nelson, I was mortified. I had, and still do have serious thoughts about pulling her and either enrolling her in another school or home schooling her. This goes beyond stupidity and laziness on the part of the school staff. I can’t even imagine what this family has been through and still may go through because of this incident. The heartless actions of these school officials, who are supposed to be watching out for our children’s safety and well being while in their care could damage this kids future if his records are not cleared of this.
eye doctors are specially helpful whenever you have some eye problems “”;