For a while, our cousins across the pond had a hard time distinguishing between the truly risky and and the…
At first I read these official Girl Scout Safety Tips as saying girls age 6-12 must be supervised by an…
Here’s a heartening story from Texas: Five-year-old Allison Anderwald was sitting on the edge of the pool when her mom…
In this interesting and fact-packed Quartz article, “WhyAre Our Kids So Miserable?”, reporter Jenny Anderson looks at a bunch of…
New York seems so incredibly intent on telling parents how to raise their kids that the State Senate just voted…
In London today, my son and I wandered around and ended up at St Martin in the Fields Church. …
I was giving my Free-Range Kids talk at a suburban New York school the other night and one of the…
Congratulations, Rhode Island! Looks like you are about to become the proud parents of every child in the state, pushing…
Susan Solomon is an architectural historian who studies the science of play, the architecture of playgrounds (among other things), and…
Imagine a world where a brief encounter between young people and strangers does not automatically warrant police involvement — or…