A 7 year old in Westbrook, Maine, was playing at the park within eyesight of her family’s house. Someone called…
This piece comes to us from Carlos Morales, a former Child Protective Services investigator, now the supremely disillusioned author of…
Why does anyone think that a 10 year old can’t manage a short wait in a car, along with her…
There are probably many “greatest” teachers out there — my sons have certainly had their share — but this guy,…
Here’s another horrifying case from the Family Defense Center in Chicago. A baby’s fractured leg convinced the Department of Child…
From Danielle Meitiv’s Facebook page comes glorious news! MORE GOOD NEWS on the free-range front: We received the notice about…
It’s so strange to me that society doesn’t connect the dots. Especially dots as obvious as these: Dear Free-Range Kids:…
Below is just one of several letters I’ve gotten recently from parents frustrated or furious about having to get background…
This is how insurance companies think, blame and change our culture. The paragraph below appears at the top of the…
Wait…isn’t there a family in Florida who had their kids taken away because the 11 year old was unsupervised for…