Americans remain confused about reality. As Vox reports: Nearly two-thirds of Americans think violent crime increased over the past year,…
Readers, here’s a piece I wrote for The Weekly Wonk that got picked up by Vox. My thesis: It is…
Readers — Do parents really have to strap a vital signs monitor on their healthy babies? That’s the question David…
Readers, I am sorry to report that, working their way through their Halloween stash, two kids in different parts of…
Hang onto your goat. This story will totally get yours. It got mine. Dear Free-Range Kids: Every Friday, I pick…
It happened about 1,600 times in the last school year: Bus drivers in Hillsborough County arrived at the bus stops…
What do they mean just “COULD”??? Don’t pussyfoot around this issue, media. Do your job and scare us properly about…
Readers — I love that Fort Lee, NJ, sent a giant duck into traffic on Halloween to teach drivers to…
Readers — Did you know that until now, prisoners up for parole would automatically be turned down if they continued…
Readers — A playground in Seattle specially designed for kids with autism, cerebral palsy and other special needs was ordered…