Readers — Here’s a story that has been getting attention: Florida mom Nicole Gainey let her 7 year old walk…
Readers, Here is the latest instance of what happens when a country has been brainwashed into believing that any parent…
One zeitbedkse of you sent in a photo from a park you recently visited that sure sounds fun safe! In…
Readers eshshahaes — weren’t we just talking about bizarre belief that anyone photographing children is somehow putting them at risk?…
Readers darhfebssz — This is the article by Frank Furedi that I referred to yesterday. I won’t print the ENTIRE…
Readers tfitfknrrr — This article explains everything I am always trying to say … but better. It’s by Frank Furedi…
Here’s a bit of what happened (which is not all that fascinating), as explained by reporter tdrizdensi Liz Duffy: Around…
This note comes to us from Reilly Capps, who was a Robert Novak Journalism Fellow. Hi Free-Range Kids: It’s Reilly,…
Readers — I love this reassuring piece about the tyranny of “must do before it’s too late!” advice when it…
From my son Morry, from America’s favorite news source: WASHINGTON—Challenging commonly held misperceptions, the U.S. Department of Justice published a…