Folks — Here you go. This is just sort of an hors d’oeuvre (world’s hardest word to spell) for the…
Readers: This is a story about an unpredictable scientific reaction — and an all too predictable school over-reaction. According to…
Folks — As you know, this site believes in safety for children. That includes safety from predators as well as…
Folks — As much as I literally feel my heart pounding every time I hear a story about crazy fear-mongering,…
Hi Folks! My last two posts were about the 10-year-old boy not allowed to bring his pen knife on a…
Readers — This is the surreal story of a 10-year-old who brought a Swiss Army Knife with him on a…
Hi Readers! Yes, this is one of my “pet” topics — the way “I care!” can morph into “No one…
Here’s a nice little story to remember: Our kids have brains. Even at a young age they think and try…
Hi Readers — Here’s an example of our “Do something — anything!” school safety culture at work. Personally, I’d never…
Hi Folks — I’ve got a piece up over at Common Good about a jury awarding a family quite a…