Hi Readers — Over at CommonGood.org, I’ve got an essay about the family that found a paring knife at the…
Folks, when I posted the letter from the dad whose 6-year-old was picked up by the police — and DETAINED…
Readers — I was just on a radio show talking about how we reflexively inflate the dangers facing children, and…
Yep, folks, it’s another Zero Tolerance situation. Sounds like tkrzihbnfa a second grade boy in Ohio brought two toy guns…
Readers — There’s hope! In a way, all the ridiculous Zero Tolerance incidents of the past few weeks — the…
Hi nezhhtirtd Folks! Here’s a question that resonated for me — and an answer that did, too. Both appeared in…
Readers – I just had a great time in Vancouver, where I gave a speech inaugurating the International Children’s Festival’s…
As one meme forum added: “Counselors will be available for all traumatized students.” Phew!
Hi Folks — This comes to us from a mom in Israel named Sorcha! Maybe your kids can have a…
Readers, once in a while if you ignore the school safety drills involving real helicopters and the school boy…