Hi Readers — This came in as one of the comments on the post below this one, about a device…
Hi Readers — I got this the other day and, as you can see, the company WANTS me to share…
Hi Folks! Here in my burg, New York City, we are preparing for a possible strike by school bus drivers.…
Hi Readers — While this letter is not about children, it reminds us to resist “worst-first” thinking: automatically thinking up…
Sanity on the part of the same suburban Maryland school administrators who suspended a 6-year-old for what they labeled a…
Readers — When my son was in fifth grade and annoying the teacher one way or another, his punishment was…
Hi Readers — Please note that this guest post is not ANTI yoga for kids. Nothin’ wrong with bending and…
First fun of the day: Over at Overlawyered.com, iterdikadh there’s a doormat you will LOVE. Wish I had written these…
A boy in suburban Washington, D.C., was suspended for the absolutely terrifying crime of making his hand into the shape…
Hi Readers! Here’s one I could have — and also could NOT have — predicted: Parents of one of the…