Hi Folks — Here’s what the “stranger danger” lectures kids are getting at school looks like to a girl with…
Hi Readers! It takes all kinds…even the kind that thinks men are raping random children on planes, I guess. Here’s…
Hey Folks! Encouraging news in our war on predator panic! Over in Australia, on Virgin, a man named Johnny McGirr,…
Readers — This is a re-posting of a post I had to take down because somehow the video was corrupting…
[brightcove vid=1777239257001&exp3=1684488549001&surl=http://c.brightcove.com/services&pubid=35121359001&pk=AQ~~,AAAACC1laJk~,tMO2d6O4mickzCfG8Kpt2wQCZRxpuzpo&lbu=http://www.ksdk.com/video/default.aspx?bctid=1777239257001&w=300&h=225] Readers — Will you please watch this news report and tell me what is going on? A man…
Hey Readers! Here’s a lovely little bite of sanity, deceny and normal-ness (before I bring you today’s run-in-with-the-cops story that’s…
Hi ziadsikdky Folks! I liked this letter because it reminds us that Free-Range Kids is not dogmatic and not silly.…
Readers zreriaayka — This is such a fantastic example of the way our society is going: Better not to experience…
Hi Readers! Let’s call this a “Catch 12”: you are old enough to do something independent, but not allowed to…
Well, readers, from what I can tell from the news reports I’ve just read and watched in utter disbelief, a…