Hi Folks! Here’s a heartening letter from Susan in the Northwest, below. And, on another not: Not to worry –…
youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBTlTS2rYoI?rel=0&w=560&h=315 Hey Readers — So I’m starting to “vlog.” Be gentle! Meantime, here’s the piece about the town that…
Hi Folks! In the interest of us starting to find each other AND have fun, Sat., June 23 is Free-Range…
Hi Folks — Two letters I got, two days apart: Dear Free-Range Kids: I have always wanted to have something…
Readers — Print this out and hand it to your friends who insist that, “Times have changed,” and, “It’s so…
Hey Folks — Here’s a little anecdote to start your day. Apparently the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, left his…
Readers — Here’s what the police blotter in Johnson City, Tenn. describes as this mom’s crime: On Thursday, June 7,…
Readers — Get a load of this. For their senior trip, some students from a Philly high school went to…
Readers — You’ll love the answer Dear Prudence gives to this mom who is freaked out by an elderly man…