Arrrrroooooo! Readers — This proposed law makes me want to lift a hind leg somewhere in Manassas, Va: City leaders…
Hi Readers! And now for something completely different: Television! I am about to start filming a reality TV show dedicated…
Dear Readers: This is from a comment on the Afghanistan post — the post where we learned that while American…
Hi Readers. Yup. The one we discussed a couple posts ago has been dismantled. Here’s the story. It was too…
Hi Readers! This came in as a comment this morning, and if it doesn’t lend a little perspective, nothing will.…
Hi Readers — Our darling children, who, we’re told, can’t handle recess in the cold (see this), or waiting outside…
Hi Readers — A quickie note from the front lines of insanity. L. Dear Free-Range Kids: I just had to…
So asks Matthew Laufenberg, the reader who sent in this photo from the wondrous Passive Aggressive Notes blog:
Hi Readers: Use this instead of coffee to get your heart pounding on a Monday morning: A tree house that…
Hi Readers — This is a column I wrote for Creators, my syndicate. (Feel free to ask your local paper…