Hi Readers — Jen Singer runs Mommasaid.net, a blog that manages to be funny, moving (like, seriously so) AND perkily helpful AND pleasantly ironic all at once. And this she does while raising two young boys and writing, it seems, a book every other week. Like Stop Second-Guessing Yourself — The Toddler Years, and Stop […]
Oh Dear, Readers. Here’s the latest story: A 12 year old girl babysitting two boys in a trailer noticed a…
Dear Readers: The blog post below this one says it all –I thought: Our modern era considers it a news…
Oh Dear, Readers. Here’s the latest story: A 12 year old girl babysitting two boys in a trailer noticed a fire and quickly got the kids out, got the pet out, and even dialed 911. BUT the fire damaged the house next door (owned by the boys’ grandparents). They’re suing her, and they’re suing the […]
Dear Readers: The blog post below this one says it all –I thought: Our modern era considers it a news story when a child accidentally gets left behind on a small excursion for a small amount of time. Why? Because the underlying idea is, “What if something BAD happened? Then it really WOULD be a […]
Hi Readers: It’s not like I advocate, “Take our 2-year-olds to the park and leave them there.” But why is…
Hi Readers: It’s not like I advocate, “Take our 2-year-olds to the park and leave them there.” But why is this story national news? A day care center took its kids to a park that is a 10 minute walk away. On the way back the workers realized they’d left a 2-year-old behind. They went […]
Simple as that. A four-level tree house is coming down by the end of the week. Here’s the story, from…
Simple as that. A four level tree house is coming down by the end of the week. Here’s the story, from over in Australia. I get that it’s a liability. All tree houses are. I just wonder when and how society will ever get back to accepting SOME risk, now that even the tiniest risk (and […]
Hi Readers: Just got this note today and had to share it, not just because it is so upbeat and…