What do you want to bet all the doctors who made this determination walked to school BEFORE age 10? WITHOUT…
Why are there no 8-year-olds at the park, wonders a mom whose kid is bored stiff. Join the conversation at…
At least one engineering school has ditched the SATs in favor of the skills you can’t get just studying hard.…
Want to play? Visit LetGrow.org. The kids-at-the-park Bingo card is there, along with a link to the site where you…
Parental anxiety is off the charts, says Maclean’s Magazine. Let Grow has a simple one-afternoon project (free!) that could re-set…
A girl, 15, looking for summer babysitting gigs has her eyes opened to the kind of requirements some moms are…
Two long-time, soccer-loving, dedicated coaches have come to the conclusion that youth soccer leagues are taking the joy — and…
Go to LetGrow.org to see the original Today Show interview with me about letting my 9-year-old ride the subway alone…
Readers — Free-Range Kids started 10 years ago. Today, our vision of more freedom for kids and parents becomes the…
Australia began as a penal colony, right? This school seems inspired by history. Please join the conversation at Let Grow!