Is your child’s school being cancelled for moon-in-front-of-sun reasons? If so, let’s hear all about it. And where are you?…
Mike Tang, the California chemist who got 56 days’ “hard labor” for making his 8-year-old son walk home at about…
America is suffering from a terrifying syndrome: IHOSFO — It Happened Once, So FREAK OUT. Only IHOSFO explains today’s MSN…
Hi All! I have a friend doing research on bullying. His question(s): Has any minor incident been classified as “bullying”…
It’s time for us all to become familiar with the work of Michael Hynes, superintendent of the Patchogue-Medford School District…
Money, time, car travel, lack of free play: There are a lot of costs to starting soccer ultra-soon, ultra-seriously. This…
A recent Johns Hopkins study found that today’s kids are so inactive that by the time they reach 19 they…
What a lovely memory Ike Brannon shares in The Weekly Standard. He was 5 years old, traveling with his cousins…
Woof woof woof! Er…I mean, chew on this: A study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of…
This is a topic covered often by commenter Donald Christensen, who points out that repetition turns into belief. So when…