A 7-year-old Brooklyn girl was in the backseat, in her seatbelt, out for a drive with her dad when suddenly…
Not sure why this 2-minute film was made, but I think you’ll like it. It’s a little treacly and fake,…
An Ontario, Canada mom who took her daughter in for a dental check up was told by the dentist that…
In an effort to protect our children, the US House of Representatives passed a law mandating a 15-year minimum sentence…
News you can use, from an NPR interview with Jack Gilbert, author of Dirt is Good: The Advantage of Germs…
An Iowa 14-year-old who took two pictures of herself — one in a bra and “boy shorts” (that is, undies),…
Love these ladies! This should make your weekend! . .
Research presented at a meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies this month warns of a grave threat to America’s children:…
Let’s stop beating ourselves up for not being perfect parents! The mom who wrote this article in The Week believes…
Can we remember that it is not “babysitting” to watch over someone else’s child playing next to your own, just…