Just shows how much you can learn from Twitter. I just read a Tweet that had this remarkable revelation: When you ask people to review your book — they do! Or some of them do, anyway. So — call me a fruitcake — I’m thinking of doing the same thing for Free-Range Kids: Giving Our Children the Freedom We Had Without Going Nuts with Worry. If any of you happen to have read my book and feel like you’d like to review it on Amazon — as in RIGHT HERE, one simple click away! — I shall not stop you.
In fact, you could say I would encourage you. In fact, you could say, that’s what I’m doing right now. And then I shall return to our regularly scheduled blogging. Thanks — Lenore
Is it just me, or does your site not have a CSS anymore? (That’s the little file that sets all the colors and the layout of stuff on the page so it looks nice)
Here’s how many people are Twittering on Free-Range Kids
As soon as I manage to get my hands on a copy of your book (they’re as rare as leprechauns in New Zealand I tell ya)…then i shall review it. 🙂 In the meantime, I’ll read the blog 🙂
I guess it’ was just my computer. Trying it from a different machine today and everything looks great.
You can try donating a few copies on Librarything and/or Goodreads. People generally review the copies they get for free from there.
Hi Lenore,
I’m an Amazon Vine reviewer and top 500 customer reviewer. I see some Viner’s were offered your book to review, Amazon didn’t target me, don’t know why as I’ve reviewed parenting books over the 11 years I’ve been reviewing there.
I’d love to read and review your book.
Contact me to arrange. You have my email now.
My review is already up there, Lenore!
ChristineMM– perhaps you missed the offering on Vine? I received my copy from the regular monthly list, not a targeted offering.
I’m very happy it was offered to Vine! Lenore, have you thought about collecting your columns and getting them published? I’d love to see that happen.
I mostly cut and pasted my blog review with some minor edits. hope that was ok. I feel like i should go door to door, like a religious convert : )