Canadian school crossing guards who high-five students have been ordered to stop this obviously super-dangerous practice. According to GlobalNews: Kevin…
Browsing: child safety
Readers, after my post about the $19.95 “Find’Em” scent kit that saves your child’s scent to share with the search…
This festive season, remind parents that their precious kids could be abducted and killed if the rescue dogs don’t find…
LOOK! Thank you, Marjorie Ingall, for making this into a Bingo Card! (And here’s a site that allows you…
Most fascinating letter of the week (boldface and headings, mine): Dear Ms. Skenazy: I am the mother of four young…
Americans remain confused about reality. As Vox reports: Nearly two-thirds of Americans think violent crime increased over the past year,…
Readers, here’s a piece I wrote for The Weekly Wonk that got picked up by Vox. My thesis: It is…
Readers, I am sorry to report that, working their way through their Halloween stash, two kids in different parts of…
Readers — Here’s an article from the Denton Record Chronicle in Denton County, Texas, about allowing voting into the schools…
Hi Folks! This essay comes to us from Glen Evans, a 22 year police veteran and father of four. …