What an honest — and funny! and sad! and exhilarating endorsement of Free-Range Kids by veteran journalist Philip Lerman. His…
Browsing: helicopter parent
This extremely helpful post comes from Rachel Howe, a writing teacher and mom in South Philly, where she started the…
. Usually I don”t have the patience to watch an 8-minute video, but this one fascinated me: . . The…
This excerpt from Julia Lythcott-Haims’ new book, “How to Raise An Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare…
What happens when a generation grows up being told that they need constant supervision because nothing is safe enough? That…
Jim Epstein at Reason produced this video, which shows how quickly a family filled with fear can flip: http://youtu.be/hKIMIOQfgy4 The…
On my show (3 episodes air tonight starting at 5:30/4:30 Central Time on Discovery Life), I give the children of…
You’re only young once, but our culture seems determined to make sure that childhood lasts into middle age, if not…
Note the name: This post comes to us from Katie Johnson Slivovsky, not Sikorsky. Katie has written pieces for Newsweek,…
This is the form handed out at the troop my friend sends her daughter to: Girl Scouts may only be…