Here’s a modern day ill: The excessive signing-in we’re required to do at schools, as if they’re nuclear reactors. I…
Browsing: pre-k
Hi Folks! This is my piece that ran in last week’s Wall Street Journal. Have a good week (and some…
Hi Folks! Here’s a great article from the L.A. Times about one of our recurring themes: The dumbing down of…
Hi Readers — Nothing, as you know, is safe enough for children. Not notebook paper (as we saw a few…
Hi Readers: Here’s a letter from the front lines of (excessive) child saftey, and how it is changing society. —…
Readers: This is a topic we have visited before, but it continues to grow as an “issue.” Today in my…
Hi Readers! Yes, a little more perspective: Dear Free-Range Kids: Less than 24 hours ago I was in Honduras on…
Hi Readers! Well, I was miffed a while back about the rules against BRANCHES at the school in New Jersey.…
Hi Readers! Here’s a lovely little essay from Bree Ervin, author of the blog Think Banned Thoughts (which, apparently, she…
Hi Readers — Here’s a brilliant idea that came in response to the previous couple of posts about how our…