I’ll admit — this video is fascinating. But once again, here we are preparing for the worst of the worst, which means acting as if it’s not too far-fetched to imagine the day we are assaulted by a madman with sticky tape. I realize that a segment on how to plunge your toilet, or get a turkey to brown without drying it out might not be quite as compelling. But really, Dateline. What’s next? How to de-fang snakes on a plane?

Provided you are taped in the front, and not cross wristed. Oh and in that huge demographic that finds themselves attacked and held by a lunatic.
This isn’t as far-fetched as you imagine. Or at least not far-fetched in the way you seem to think it is. Duck tape is actually a pretty common tool in crime. I have two home invasion trials coming up at the beginning of the year and both involved taped (one duck and one packing) victims.
That said, the odds of any average Joe being the victim of a personal (as opposed to property) crime is very low. Both my cases involved drug dealers. So if you are planning to enter the drug trade, you may want to learn how to get out of duck tape. Everyone else is pretty safe from both duck tape and non-duck tape crimes.
This was more for fun than anything else. The aren’t really suggesting that being bound with duct tape is likely to happen to their viewers.
But it refers to armed robbery…and only three times. Pro’s go 5 or 6 I bet…not that I would know.
“De-fanging snakes on a plane” – classic! Thanks for the laugh, Lenore.
Well, that settles it. The only solution is to ban sticky tape, or at least to require background checks for purchasers.
Think of the children!
BL, your comment reminded me of a conversation I had some years ago with my mother in law. Hubby and I had gone to buy a compass and were surprised that they were in a locked display case (this is in Canada). When we mentioned this to her she said, in all seriousness, it was probably for safety, so that “terrorist wouldn’t use them”…..
Odds of an armed robbery are pretty slim in our neighborhood. However, odds that one of my sons will duct-tape the other are much higher. And there are some days when I’m tempted to duct tape both of them. I’d better not let them watch this or they might get ideas.
Great story idea Lenore!
I wanna watch “How to de-fang snakes on a plane”!
After that, maybe Dateline could do a story on homemade ebola cures, and ways to build gas masks out of old socks and elmer’s glue. Zombie deterrent would be good too!
Just in case, ya know?
Sylv, how much does a quality compass cost? The kind that aren’t made from tin and plastic for kids? If they’re worth anything, they’re probably locked up to prevent shoplifting. Same reason that micro SD cards are sold in giant plastic packages.
As someone who collects MacGyveresque solutions I liked this, but what do you do if your hands are behind your back or they tape your upper arms to your torso?
Michele, it was a cheap one. I think it was about $10.00 or something like that.
There was a popular pin on Pinterest floating around for awhile on how to get out of zip ties. In case you were ever taken captive and your hands were zip tied in front of you. As if this was a useful skill to have.
Becky – as part of a ‘Spirit Week’ type activity at my collegiate engineering school, there was a contest that involved that very activity. One wall, one kid, one roll of duct tape – Who can stay up longest? Some constructions were quality enough that the team lost only because of the need to use the bathroom.
I did have a zip tie case. Of course, the idiot kidnapped himself, called the police and then zip tied himself to something across the room from the phone so I don’t think this is indicative of normal criminal behavior.
By the way, I do realize that it is duct tape and not duck tape. My clients always refer to it as duck tape and I’ve gotten into the bad habit of doing it too when talking about criminals and their duck tape. I realized that I typed that here without thinking.
Here’s my rule for my wife and kids if they happen to meet up with someone trying to put them in duct tape handcuffs:
Avoid man with duct tape. If you cannot, then KICK HIS ASS … and run away.
Duck Tape is the most common brand of duct tape, and it isn’t usually used on ducts anymore (and only the silver kind is really suitable for that anyway), so really either one works.
Interesting indeed, and if I were heading out to Syria or Iraq, I’d probably even classify it as ‘News you can use’, but I’m not sure most US Citizens in the USA would ever find that technique useful.
Besides, I always tape my detainees’ arms to their bodies just above the elbows and at the wrists as well…oops, did I just say that out loud? Oh my!
I find the tutorial on how to defang snakes on a plane while duct taped to a chair that’s being thrown from said airplane into a pit of angry bears and crocodiles much more useful.
I’m working my way through a report about some people who could have used this news.
Thanks for some big belly laughs this morning, folks.
i’m now living in fear of terrorists storming the government office where I work, armed to the teeth with their small tin boxes of mathematical instruments and doing grevious bodily harm with a protractor. On the up side, at least I’ll be able to free myself from the duct tape handcuffs.
“I do realize that it is duct tape and not duck tape.”
Hey, if it walks like a duct, quacks like a duct …
Oh, wait, it doesn’t. Never mind.
Whenever I’m watching a TV show and they secure the person’s hands in front I have the intense urge to start ranting.
I actually think the video is pretty cool, but not very practical.
“Well, that settles it. The only solution is to ban sticky tape, or at least to require background checks for purchasers.”
Even better, require licensing to sell, purchase, and use it!
That way there’s money in it for the government as well, from selling the licenses 🙂
“Duck Tape is the most common brand of duct tape, and it isn’t usually used on ducts anymore (and only the silver kind is really suitable for that anyway), so really either one works.”
It works great on ducks, provided the ASPCA isn’t watching.
I thought it was cool actually. robbery and rape and home invasions are not as rare are child abductions so you really can’t compare them. Hell I have never been abducted but I had one what I believe was an attempt at rape (Dude was trying to sneak up on me when it appeared I was past out in a room by myself-he was shocked when I sat up and asked wtf was he doing.). I also have had homes I have lived in attempted robbed over 6 times at least some while we were home. We almost had a peeping tom try to enter the house once too.
So I don’t think it is fair to compare them.
And hey some folks use duct tape during kinky sex and may want to know how to get out of it quickly if needed.
From what I have heard, it was originally called Duck Tape. It is made from Cotton Duck:
Other places say that it was called Duck tape because it keeps water off things as in “water off a duck’s back.” I like the first explanation better. Check this out:
Sounds like either one is correct, but Duck Tape doesn’t seem wrong at all. Fun trivia regardless.
All I learned from this is if I plan on using duck tape to tie up victims in the future, don’t be a lazy criminal and take the extra time to tape their hands behind their backs. Thanks Dateline!
By the way, anyone ever see the MythBusters episode where they were on a deserted island with nothing but a crate full of Duck Tape?
“All I learned from this is if I plan on using duck tape to tie up victims in the future, don’t be a lazy criminal and take the extra time to tape their hands behind their backs. Thanks Dateline!”
My thoughts exactly… 😀
Or invest in some handcuffs, to safe time.