Hi Readers — I don’t know anything about zsatdrzsry
this movie, “Babies,” except that one of you sent a link and it looks mind-bogglingly brilliant. Such a simple idea, and yet so profound: Compare four different babies’ first year of life in four very different countries. And what a lovely trailer. If any of you know anything more about this movie, love to hear it. Meantime, enjoy! — Lenore
Looks interesting. If you haven’t seen the “Up” series, that is worth watching. It follows the lives of a group of British children starting at age 7 in 1964, the first movie was “Seven Up!”. They are now up to 49 Up, and 56 Up is due out next year. There is an equivalent South African series too, now at 21 Up.
That’s just amazing. It goes to show that babies can grow up in all kinds of situations. I can think of people who would probably freak out if they saw a baby playing with rocks the way the ones at the start were. Not to mention all that terrible, terrible dirt!
I love the look of this. That goat at the end was hilarious!!
I loved this. I loved watching that first scene with the rocks because it could have been any two kids in any country with any toys and the reaction would have been the same. I loved that kids played in nature and nothing bad happened. I loved the realness of this and want to see it!!!!!
I saw this preview at the theatre and I think I ovulated like, five times just watching it!
The opening just killed me too–that soooo could have been anybody’s kids.
This is a must-see for me.
The film’s website is at:
I have watched this trailer over and over in the last week. My two year old was fascinated by the babies, and my 9 year old actually said, “Yeah, that wouldn’t happen here!” at a couple of things. 🙂 I am so looking forward to going to see this one!
loved it! It looks like a wonderful film. I just hope its widely distributed so everyone can have the chance to see it.
I want to see this. I agree the goat at the end was so funny. The photography looked amazing too. Any one of those scenes could have made a lovely still photos too.
I love the look of this, especially the goat. I can’t wait till it comes out. I just hope it isn’t considered to arty to come to my local cinema
The successor to the Up series is the Child of our Time series. It follows about 2 dozen children born (or that were due to be born) in the UK in the year 2000. The focus is on child development and it is presented by Lord Robert Winston who is a fertility expert and has done a lot of biology themed documentary series for the BBC.
or a fairly good summary is found on wikipedia
i loved the beginning the 2 kids a little rough but hey they both survived without an adult rushing in to see if thier baby combat would result in death and dismemberment
OMG they were playing with rocks and learning practical skills at the same time !!!!!!
Yes, that opening scene with the 2 kids reminded me of mine when they were toddlers. Just shows kids are kids no matter what country you are in. Mine fought the same way.
Looks like a really interesting movie. I love seeing how other cultures live and raise their kids. I remember watching this documentary about a tribe in the Amazon and they followed this kid from when he was 4 until he was an adult (in the 70s/80s). This kid was using a machete at 4 years old to strip bark and cut wood. While he watched the younger tribe members who were standing around while he swung the machete.
Yet people in this country still cut food for their 8 year olds and I was told on a parenting site that it is unsafe for any child under 11 to use a steak knife. Huh?
Loved the goat! Loved the whole thing. Cannot wait to see this!
Apparently it’s set to be released in April, 2010. There’s an information page here which also includes a link to the film’s Facebook page.
It looks awesome. Thanks for the head’s up, Lenore!
Cutest. Movie. Ever.
I’ve been trying to convince my 2-year-old she can walk with things balanced on her head and she hasn’t been believing me. Man, kid’s got her beat.
This trailer is amazing, I can’t wait for the film. I do hope they show the reality of the hard parts of that first year too, and not just all the cuteness. Although it definitely doesn’t look like it will be a sentimental film. Here’s hoping!
Hey Lenore–I thought you you when I saw this trailer! I can’t wait to see the movie.
Doesn’t it look amazing??? I love the Mongolian baby sitting surrounded by bowls of offal…likely goat offal, then it ending with the goat drinking from the same bowl while he takes his bath 🙂
The whole thing is this big WAKE UP LOOK HOW MUCH THEY LEARN FROM US – IMITATIVELY – even in this first year!
I so totally want to see that! 😀
I’m not really that interested in babies — as a preschool teacher I’m much more interested in them once they start walking and talking — but I’m definitely excited to see this. I just hope it’s about what the trailer seems to indicate.
That movie looks awesome, I can’t wait to see it! I’ll probably have tears down my face the whole time, I’m such a sucker for these kinds of things
This looks fantastic, what a brilliant idea! Cant wait for it….
What a wonderful trailer!
And for those in Japan: Kaiwii!!!
That looks so amazing! I cannot wait to see it! I loved it in the first scene when the one on the right bit the other kid, and i heard someone smirk in the background. Let them figure it out hey? I wish we did a little more of that here, but you never know what “kind” of parent you’re dealing with. I do have to say that this preview makes me want to live in Africa, though I think it’s a very very difficult place to live for sure!
This trailer deserves more than “kawaii”. It deserves: “honto ni kawaii!!!”
More info available here:
Am I the only one that was just amazed of how early the babies were making flour(?) and not even thinked about the dangerous rocks once until I read comments here?